Bounce Back Better

Setbacks are inevitable… to recover is not a passive movement, resiliency is an active affirmation, Absorbing the effects of the injury affects restoring comfort and happiness – surpass survival – thrive. Well-being is not an accident. Engaged is not a coincidence. Harmony is not a lucky chance. Total commitment… exercise the body, adjust the attitude,Continue reading “Bounce Back Better”


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven[1] Abandoned and marginalized, it’s difficult to bear bias, harder to endure injustice to suffer inequality. Thus, disregarded by blind eyes, marginalized, and abandoned the consigned, to the dung heap, hope for delayed gratification. Uprightness demands commitment, truth always asksContinue reading “Persecuted”


My core was compromised – a stomach hernia required repair. Every movement exercises the core and the operation made moving hurt. All movement was painful but prone was the most challenging. Three to five days of recuperation became three to five weeks of restriction. Indeed, it was unpleasant and the healing task daunting. The elasticContinue reading “Core”


Blessed are the peacemaker for they will be called children of God[1] Peace does not deliver justice… to make peace involves everyone’s sacrifice for the common good. Pacificism deescalates, submits right action as good will, and thus, promotes freedom from strife. Communion asks all get along – simply dwell non-competitively as neighbors not adversaries. ReconciliationContinue reading “Peacemaker”


Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.[1] Above peace, empathy’s comfort, beyond justice, compassion’s heart, hence harmony’s restoration. Cooperation heals our wounds, our listening first, speaks volumes, and keeps judgment from directing. Forgiving includes forgetting – unfailing generosity fulfills unconditional love, Intrinsic to our covenant, relief precludes anxiety, concern excludes retribution. ThoseContinue reading “Merciful”


My Lady and My God, May we see with your eyes and hear with your ears, the needs and wants of our neighbor, Grant that we have the patience, courage, and strength, to love as you love. Engender in us the tenderness, kindness, and gentleness to promote communion with all things. Prevent us from hurtingContinue reading “Carefulness”