xx Judgement

based on “Meditations on the Tarot” by Anonymous God’s will is our peace, not in passing away, rather, in the greater good of restoration “… your dead will live, their bodies will rise let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy…”[1] Made possible with reparation, life after death is notContinue reading “xx Judgement”

Resolve to Amend

I tend to want to fix what’s wrong, of course, the problem is what I see amiss. While dysfunction suits me well, disordered affections must be resolved. Grateful consolation changes me, makes me different, and I’ll never be the same. Accepting desolation alters the prescripted fit with a measured response. Indifference to outcomes adjusts theContinue reading “Resolve to Amend”

No Hate

erase hate – Embrace Peace. For hate is selfish animosity, Peace is selfless Charity. animosity infects and perverts with bitterness. Charity cleanses and restores with pleasantness. hate fills with fear and dread, Peace holds with faith and trust animosity rules with quid pro quo in the name of Justice. Charity stands for acceptance on behalfContinue reading “No Hate”


us loving God does not make us good. God loving us makes us good. Love changes – blessings count and graces exceed, we rise and we fall. For the common good, imprints and imposes a quid pro quo justice… and retribution rules. Love changes – mutations are random expressions of relationship. For the greater good,Continue reading “Evolution”


Those, who hesitate, lose. Those, who cultivate, find. As a steward, I must be careful, Harvests just return ill-gotten fruits, the real yield is a revelation. The genuine find is not measured in accounting profits and losses, rather, realized in possibility. Hesitation demands a delay, it fails to share and defers action indulging in selfishContinue reading “Hesitation”